Hoteliers must constantly juggle the act of keeping overhead low while keeping the rooms occupied for maximum revenue. And for many hoteliers, it’s the unpredictable utility bills that can throw a budget off track. Try using the following tips to better manage your hotel’s heating and cooling costs. You can also consult a heating and cooling expert to discuss upgrading older equipment to energy-efficient models.
Managing the Cost of Heating Water
Some hoteliers make the mistake of excessively heating the water that the guests will use. This is primarily done to kill off legionella bacteria and to avoid complaints about cold water from the guests. However, scalding hot water presents a potential liability issue, particularly when guests have babies or young children that may be exposed to excessively hot water. Plus, legionella bacteria can be effectively killed off at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Water should be stored at that threshold and distributed at no higher than 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
Managing Heating Costs
One of the best ways to keep your heating costs low is to have your furnace serviced at least once per year. You should also avoid setting the temperature in the bedrooms any higher than about 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Most people generally prefer to sleep in a slightly cool bedroom.
Managing Cooling Costs
Like the furnace, the hotel’s central air conditioner, should be serviced at least once annually to prevent breakdowns and expensive repairs. Regular service visits, along with routine filter changes, will also help the AC unit operate more efficiently. In addition, consider implementing a smart thermostat system that allows you to control the air conditioning of individual rooms. There’s no sense in spending money to cool a room that is unoccupied.
If you’re shopping around for a highly efficient heating and cooling system to reduce your hotel’s utility bills, you can turn to the expert team at B & J Refrigeration Inc. – Heating and Cooling. We also specialize in commercial refrigeration solutions for all types of businesses. You can call us in Tucson at (520) 355-4857 to set up an appointment for an estimate.